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Country Boy {Poconos Child Photography}

This shoot is special for so many reasons.  I’ve had a vision of a little guy in overalls playing on this pedal tractor from the day I purchased it.  I also envisioned the shoot at our little farmhouse in the Poconos…there’s something magical about it up there.  Maybe it’s the crisp air, the bright stars, the smell of the fire, the fact that we’re always surrounded by those we love when we’re there.  I’m not sure, but the light is an absolute dream and it’s hands down, one of my most favorite places to photograph gorgeous, little faces.  The icing on the cake for this shoot, is the little man – my best friend’s son, Matthew.  Love his rough and tumble, squeal with delight, exuberant approach to the world.  I think you’ll agree, he’s the cutest, little country boy around!

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Patti AllegerSeptember 19, 2013 - 6:39 pm

These shots are absolutely adorable! You have such a wonderful way with children. Can’t wait to see more.

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